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DNS Jumper 1.0.6 免安裝中文版 – DNS Server設定切換工具


DNS Server設定切換工具 - Dns Jumper,內建數十組DNS Server可供切換使用,透過「最快DNS」功能可以即時測試找到最快的DNS Server,並且立即套用,也可以手動輸入主副伺服器;此類切換DNS Server工具的用途有:或許某些網站被DNS伺服器所封鎖可以因切換而突破封鎖、透過選用更高安全性的DNS伺服器改善連線安全、可以使用專屬DNS伺服器來管制小孩不能上哪些網站、加快瀏覽器對於網域名稱的反應時間...等等。(阿榮)(下載

系統需求:Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

In some cases, you can increase the browsing speed or improve your security by replacing the DNS provided by your provider , DNS Jumper is a tool which makes it easy for you. Why should you use DnsJumper:
1. It could help you reach websites where access has been blocked.
2. It might improve your security by using secure DNS servers.
3. It can protect your children from inappropriate websites and can Block Porn Sites. (Just use one of the Family safe DNS)
4. It can speed your browsing (move to a faster Domain Name Service)
5. Changing your settings manually can take a little work , But with DNS Jumper it's relatively easy (one click)


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Source: azofreeware.com

