《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  新《Resident Evil Village》體驗版於4月18日登上PS4和PS5   沒有PS5也能遊玩了!PC版「FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE」將於Epic Games Store發售!   必備精選優惠重返PlayStation Store   GBVS「Legendary Edition」和「Cygames Greatest Hits」決定發售!碧藍幻想2021新情報總結   Cosplayer・Enako就任美少女養成遊戲「放置少女」的官方宣傳大使   State of Play:所有預告片與完整回顧   STPR與Capcom達成特許權協議!將來可以投稿Capcom作品的內容!   「Discord」6週年更新商標設計!微笑圖案的克萊德也換了新風貌! 

Windows Live Messenger update

111 When I login to my Live Messenger, it required me to update. Sounds good to me to see any new updates. 24 After the loading screen there, it shows me some major updates on outlook connector (free add-in for Microsoft Outlook that allows users to access Windows Live Hotmail), office live add-in (do not know what it does) and silverlight (a programmable web browser plugin that enables features such as animation, vector graphics and audio-video playback). 33 I am still waiting for the 166MB update download which should take a while.
