- conduct a one-year education programme to teach Internet users, especially young students, how to use the Internet appropriately and safely. (63 million | 500 jobs) (Para 27)
- promote cooperation between SZ and Hong Kong by "Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovation Circle". This aims at attracting more overseas enterprises to conduct scentific research in Hong Kong (Para 59-61)
- exploring the feasibility of and the development plans for Phase 3 of the Park (Para 64)
- increase the number of calls for Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) applications and expand the funded technology areas. The criteria for the Internship Programme under the ITF will be relaxed. The grant ceiling for each project funded under the Small Entrepreneur Research Assistance Programme will be raised to $4 million. (Para 67)
- set up a dedicated office to co-ordinate work on the development of a creative economy ($300 millions for 3 years)(Para 69)
- develop a territory-wide electronic health record system ($840 million for 3 years, among other initiatives)(Para 106)
- set up a dedicated portal for the elderly to provide one-stop information service on elderly services and the silver hair market. Various computer courses will also be offered by the Elder Academies (Para 116)
IT in the Budget 2009-10
This morning, the Financial Secretary gave his second Budget Speech. Here is a list of IT-related initiatives from the Budget Speech: Major initiatives (from the Budget speech)
- Minecraft 的大型應用程式「野生更新」將於 6 月 8 日開始分發! 新的生物群子的「深黑暗」,友好的生物「陣列」,以説明收集物品等出現!
- 超級瑪利歐設計出現在大家最喜歡的YBC《晶片之星》中!讓我們完成全部 12 種類型吧!
- TGS2023 IO資料設備展位報導!大量超高規格顯示器,例如 360Hz
- NFT 也利用! 新的MMORPG「MIR4」將於2021年8月26日(星期四)正式推出!
- 阿澄靈魂的最後時刻。 《Spiritfarer》Nintendo Switch 線上試玩派對現已開啟!
- 華碩最新的遊戲智能手機「ROG PHONE 3」將在日本發佈! 也舉行了一個優惠的活動!
- 【LoveLive! 園偶像祭】6周年! 官方開設特別網站及舉辦《闇影詩章》聯動活動
- 新的「播放站加」中提供的遊戲目錄標題清單已部分發佈!
- Nintendo Switch版《潛水員戴夫》發布,忘記時間,沉浸在釣魚和經營壽司店中
- 格西皮組建了「電子競技英語會話團隊」! 招募團隊成員!
- 阿皮克斯·萊根斯"第6季"開始! 介紹通過更新添加的地圖的新元素
- 華碩最新的遊戲智能手機「ROG手機5」正式發佈! 部署在三個陣容!