《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  從《Resogun》到《Returnal》:不斷進化的視覺特效魔法令阿特羅波斯栩栩如生   《Away: The Survival Series》將於今夏末登陸PlayStation 5   夏天!海灘!任天堂明星大亂鬥SP 線上挑戰第3戰即將登場!   Nintendo TOKYO人氣角色公仔登場!日本各地快閃店同時販售!   創造沒有限制的世界   《決勝時刻®:黑色行動冷戰》與《現代戰域》第六季於10月8日 登場   《Oddworld: Soulstorm》將於4月6日登上PS4和PS5   獎金總額1,000萬日幣!由專業6團體進行eSport大賽「決勝時刻 專業對抗戰」正式開打! 

iPhone app: QR.Scan

Provide a simple and easy way to scan all QR Codes, even if they are upside down, sideways Provide a fast scanning engine that takes fewer than a second to scan a QR Code, and provide the user with sensory feedback, like a sound played when scanned. A parsing engine that will take your QR Codes content and take an appropriate action, such as opening a Email app to send an email to an email address encoded in a QR Code Has a recent scans page where users can see scan history, and revisit that content. The QR Code supports contact, link, email, SMS, telephone, geographic, plain text itunes URL: http://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/id515204143?mt=8

