《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  《質量效應》傳奇版:深入一探著名三部曲的視覺強化   在米德加進行大逃殺!?「FINAL FANTASY VII THE FIRST SOLDIER」預計於2021年推出!   「集合啦!動物森友會」推出秋夏季節活動!一起在島上放煙花吧!   《原神》榮獲 PlayStation®Partner Awards 2021 日本及亞洲地區大獎!   由Square Enix成立的遊戲工作室Luminous Productions公開新作「FORSPOKEN」,預計將於2022年推出!   睽違19年!KOF XV 新角色宣傳影片「七枷 社」!   hololive的元宇宙虛擬世界!沙盒類遊戲「Holo Earth」最新情報公開!   esports活動本格啟動!「VIRTUA FIGHTER esports CHALLENGE CUP SEASON_0」大賽即將展開! 

Daemon is coming!!

Daemon is coming!! It is a Chinese beloved shopping area where the a lot of figures from a cartoon series exhibited, it is too cruel to me when the Chinese tourists take photos there, because just 20 meters away, you would find millions Chinese dead by the government torture. (Remark : I love this cartoon character if it is not there) Source link
TechNow 當代科技
