取回儲存於Google Chrome瀏覽器中的密碼–ChromePasswordDecryptor,Google瀏覽器有好用的密碼記憶功能,也可以顯示所記憶的密碼,但是如果要顯示或匯出所有密碼(HTML格式),就可以利用這個免費的小工具。(阿榮)
[2009.09.17] 經測試,支援Google Chrome及Chromium,使用時,應該指向的路徑如下:
Chrome -
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
Chromium -
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Chromium\User Data\Default
ChromePasswordDecryptor tool makes it easy to decrypt or recover the login secrets stored by Chrome. It automatically detect the default chrome profile path for the current user and displays all the stored login credentials in clear text after decrypting them. It also shows all the blacklisted website entries for which user has prompted Chrome to not to remember the passwords.
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