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《導火新聞線》電影版片尾曲 We’re not afraid ─ 陳詩慧 ft. 王宗堯,周家怡,楊淇


《導火新聞線》是 HKTV 香港電視口碑最好的電影之一,而且取材是新聞工作人員,政治敏感度比起《選戰》低,故此可能是蕭定一選中的原因之一。《導火新聞線》電影版八月初中映至今,基本網絡上的影評都是十分正面,可是似乎票房則一般。

基本上,《導火新聞線》電影版是由 HKTV 電視版本的原班人馬製作,台前主要加入吳孟達,而電影的片尾曲也找來了 HKTV 御用的歌手陳詩慧來創作。

We're not afraid (ft. 王宗堯、周家怡、楊淇&KamFun Group)

作曲:陳詩慧 填詞:陳詩慧
編曲:Damon Lau 監製:陳詩慧

There's always a rainbow after every storm
We're in this together we have to stand strong
Cus this is where we all belong

Things are not the same as we used to know
But I am still grateful to see beautiful souls
Like stars in the darkness, they glow

There's a reason why we're here today
To make the world a better place
Even when the skies are grey, we fight for better days
Everything will be okay

There's a reason why we're here today
To make the world a better place
Replace our fear with faith, we fight for better days
Everything will be okay

Be kind to one another spread the love
Don't ever let hatred break us up
Cus we are united as one

There's a reason why we're here today
To make the world a better place
Even when the skies are grey, we fight for better days
Everything will be okay

There's a reason why we're here today
To make the world a better place
Replace our fear with faith, we fight for better days
Everything will be okay


轉載請註明:文章轉載自:TechOrz 囧科技 [http://www.techorz.com/] 本文標題:《導火新聞線》電影版片尾曲 We're not afraid ─ 陳詩慧 ft. 王宗堯,周家怡,楊淇

Source:: techorz.com


