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PDFCreator 1.0.0 中文版



PDFCreator PDFCreator–免費PDF轉檔工具,裝了這個軟體以後,想像你安裝了一台可以印出PDF檔的虛擬印表機,任何程式,只要可以列印,就能夠選擇PDFCreater產出PDF檔,不用花錢購買Adobe - Acrobat PDF Writer;除了PDF檔之外,還可以將任何內容列印成PNG、JPG、BMP、PCX、TIFF、PS、EPS、TXT、PSD、PCL、RAW、SVG檔。 阿榮評語: [2007.12.24] 經測試,已支援 Vista! [2008.05.12] 更新為「英文主程式 + 中文化」。 [2010.01.13] 感謝中文化作者「Hulen(破滅刃)」提供修正版中文語系。 PDFCreator easily creates PDFs from any Windows program. Use it like a printer in Word, StarCalc or any other Windows application. 關鍵字:Acrobat Writer 的替代軟體 改版訊息: Version 1.0 (Mai 28th, 2010) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Improvements: Uses GPL-Ghostscript 8.71 now. * Added the feature to set the color\grey compression factor manually to get the best realtion between file size and quality of pdf files * Improved print after saving (color printing, set maximum resolution) * Improved the signing feature (set signature on page is freely definable) * PDFCreator can handle signing and encrypting in one step * Improved the setup: 64bit printer driver installable on a 32bit system * Added a better dialog for the certificate password * Added the font dialog to the options dialog again * Improved the PDFCreator class (check for an existing printer in cPrintPrinterTestpage, check for an existing file in cPrintfile) * Bug Fixes: Fixed a crashing options dialog * Fixed the "481 - invalid picture" bug * Fixed a bug reading the options on Win9xMe systems * Fixed a bug if the user uses Thai calendar format * Fixed a bug using different Ghostscript versions * Fixed some minor bugs. * Known issues No hyperlinks possible (Hyperlinks for MS Word are possible with the combination of PDF-T-Maker and PDFCreator.) (Source
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