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HotKeyz 免安裝版

[下載教學] hotkeyz_2010-05-16_01 自訂鍵盤快速鍵–HotKeyz,讓你用快速鍵開啟IE瀏覽器並指定到某個網址、開啟控制台...等等,甚至於將免安裝版的常用程式設定用快速鍵來開啟,應用層面相當廣泛;它的「Command」裡有相當多的功能選項,「Calendar」可以開啟月曆、「Change Case」可以按快速鍵將選取的英文字全部改為大寫或小寫...等等。(阿榮)(alvine推薦) HotKeyz is a keyboard utility with hotkey control for executing other files, folders or RUN commands. Launch applications in a Normal, Minimized or Maximized State. The Parameter option gives you parameter control when launching another application like Internet Explorer and surfing to a specific site as parameter. For example (iexplore.exe) with the parameter (www.skynergy.com). 改版訊息: Version 2.8.2 (30 May 2010) •Show the Pick List command's description. •Added new default command: Copy Text to Clipboard. •Added toggles for 9 Desktop Window Positions. The window size will be toggled 50%, 33% & 66% sizes. •Fixed Desktop Window Positions for different taskbar positions. •Added default command Windows Commands, Internet, Google Chrome Incognito, which will start Chrome in Incognito. •Added 2 HotKeyz default commands: Enable All Hotkeys & Disable All Hotkeys. •Fixed 'Open the previous instance' that wasn't set correctly when editing a Multiple Command that was set to Open the previous instance. •Added 2 system default commands: Close Task & Close Process. •HotKeyz now support Unicode characters and strings. [教學] 下載連結→ [訊6] [SkyDrive] [Xuite] [sendspace] SHA1:e9ce90a2f680f2571e7fd1864280e79f9b68db89
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