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Crazy Browser 3.00 RC2 免安裝中文版 (3.05 英文版)

Crazy Browser–免費網頁瀏覽器,老牌的IE核心瀏覽器,釋出超過7年以上了,它的特色是多頁籤、內建廣告過濾功能;推薦的讀者KJ提到:「這個瀏覽器很小,沒有廣告或外掛,支援單一視窗開啟多個頁面、快速關閉頁面(滑鼠按兩下標籤即可)、快速開啟連結(如輸入Google再按Ctrl+Enter就馬上在新頁面開啟www.google.com)、視窗畫面放大縮小、刪除網頁中的Flash等功能;雖然有些是要進選項設定,但對於進階使用者來說非常的方便,本人已經使用好幾年了...一旦上手想換都換不掉...你可以自己試試看就知道了;我換過很多個瀏覽器但還沒有一個能改掉我的操作習慣」。(阿榮)( 阿榮評語: [2009.04.16] 上次更新2008/4/6。 Crazy Browser is a powerful Web browser. It provides many features that make surfing the web more comfortable and less confusing. It has the ability to open multiple sites and windows inside a single browser task. This Web browser also has a Smart Pop-up Blocker - it blocks all the annoying pop-ups automatically! This free Web Browser has full support for Windows XP Theme and P3P privacy policy and JavaScript error suppression.... It can handle multiple monitors and has tab status indicators. Annoying ad windows can be removed automatically and multiple pages can be saved and reopened together. Crazy Browser comes with many preconfigured search engines, but you can extend it to use your own. 更新訊息: April 26, 2010: Crazy Browser 3.05 released * Some minor tweaks * Some new features, such as Lock Tab, Mark Tab, Organize Groups 中文版下載連結→ [SharingMatrix] [MediaFire] [Badongo] [訊6] SHA1:51c00a2adb3e49f3ddb6a44c762aa820f556e148 英文版下載連結→ [訊6] [SkyDrive] [Xuite] [sendspace] SHA1:8c70dd49cfae96c7f815185cbcbc6a75d3599af5
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