易筆易畫 PhoXo 7.1 繁體中文版
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免費影像處理軟體 - 易筆易畫,體積雖小卻有許多實用的功能,如:加入邊框/浮水印/表情符號、油畫、浮雕、鉛筆素描、老照片、去紅眼...等功能,居然還支援圖層功能!(阿榮)
PhoXo is a free and powerful image editing software. It's tiny, fast, easy to use, can be treated as a mini PhotoShop. Its features include layers, undo, over 50 special effects, batch processing, and a wide variety of useful and powerful tools for selecting, crop, painting, retouching, measuring and navigation. Especially, you can easily add text effects to image, such as shadow text, ripple text, gradient color text etc. PhoXo web site provides a large number of resources, including step by step tutorials, thousands of free clip-art, frames, patterns, textures and shapes.
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