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DownTester 1.28 免安裝中文版


DownTester–下載速度測試工具,不管是什麼網址,只要將所有網址一次貼上去作下載測試,再按下左上角的「Start Downloads Test」按鈕開始測試,測出來的下載速率還蠻具有參考價值的。(阿榮

[2009.08.17] 感謝中文化作者「Hulen」提供作品。
[2010.06.05] 上次更新:2009/8/17。

DownTester allows you to easily test your Internet download speed in multiple locations around the world. It automatically test the download speed of the URLs that you choose, one after another. It moves to the next download URL after the specified number of seconds has been elapsed or after it downloads the specified amount of KB - just according to your preferences.
After the download test is finished, you can easily save the result into text/html/xml/csv file, or copy it to the clipboard and paste it into Excel and other applications.

Version 1.28:
* You can now send the speed test result to stdout by specifying an empty filename ("") in the command-line of all save parameters.
For example: DownTester.exe /hidden /stab "" >> c:\temp\speedtests.txt

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