《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  『審判之逝:湮滅的記憶』今日9月24日發售!在此將偵探・八神所面臨的全新事件一次統整!【第3回特輯】   大亂鬥特別版「焰/光的使用方法」確定播出!   最新一期「State of Play」將於 7 月 9 日播出並釋出「死亡循環」實機遊玩影片!   惡靈古堡8其實是子供向!?《惡靈古堡8 村莊》公開人偶劇「到BIO村玩吧♪」第1話!   高人氣FPS「Apex英雄」即將跨足智慧手機平台!   最後一位!大亂鬥SP最終新增鬥士將於10月5日22點發表!   鬼滅之刃火之神血風遊戲新情報 單人模式公開   今年的「Day of Play」也將照常舉辦!這次不再只是特賣而已! 

Hong Kong Information Technology Federation (HKITF) HK Digital Interactive IT Solution Directory Programme – Survey on HK IT Industry 2013

HK Digital Interactive IT Solution Directory Programme To facilitate Hong Kong IT solution providers entering the mainland China market and promoting their solutions (including services) to Mainland IT users, HKITF is implementing the “HK Digital Interactive IT Solution Directory” Programme for the industry, which is funded by the Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales (Organisation Support Programme) of the Trade and Industry Department of HKSAR Government. As an integral part of the Programme, this survey aims to collect information about the HK IT Industry and its current status. The information collected will be pivotal to this Programme’s output: the “HK Digital Interactive IT Solution Directory” Website, a centralized online platform for promoting HK IT solutions to Mainland IT users. Please kindly spend few minutes and help complete the following survey to share your opinion. In return, we will publish your company information provided in the survey questionnaire for FREE in a coming online interactive IT Sol. Directory (with your consent for publishing). Thank you for your support! Survey on HKIT Industry 2013 (English version) Survey on HKIT Industry 2013 (Chinese version)
TechNow 當代科技
