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sendspace Wizard 1.3.9 – sendspace官方上傳工具


sendspace免費檔案寄存空間上傳工具 - sendspace Wizardsendspace是美國老字號的檔案上傳空間,支援匿名上傳、檔案30天無人下載自動砍檔,使用此上傳工具的好處是:可以一次上傳多個檔案、輕鬆建立資料夾、支援續傳功能、依上傳時間排序、限制上傳/下載速度,但須先註冊為會員。(阿榮)(下載

C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorApplication DataSendSpace Wizardssgui_app.ini

sendspace Wizard is a free desktop tool that lets you upload multiple files into your sendspace account!

Using sendspace Wizard, you can:
* Upload Multiple files
* Resume Broken Uploads
* Drag/Drop files to upload to sendspace
* Send file links to others by email
* Add file descriptions etc. before uploading
* Manage your online files, create folders etc
* Get Automatic Updates
* No Advertising, No Spyware, Guaranteed!


下載連結→ [按此下載安裝版]

安裝版 [1.3.9] [1.3.4]

Source: azofreeware.com

