資料夾同步工具 - FullSync,介面簡單易用,可以建立多個設定檔,支援Unicode、排程執行、過濾條件,真正可攜式的綠色軟體,支援雙向的(S)FTP同步,優於同類軟體:SyncBack Freeware。(阿榮)(圖 1 2)(下載)
[2009.09.09] 測試FTP同步到遠端,但可惜中文檔名出現「?」號(本機同步則沒問題)。
FullSync is a powerful tool that helps you keep multiple copies of various data in sync. I.e. it can update your Website using (S)Ftp, backup your data or refresh a working copy from a remote server. It offers flexible rules, a scheduler and more.
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免安裝版 [0.10.2] [0.9.1]
Source: azofreeware.com