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TreeSize Free 免安裝版 – 統計出最佔空間的檔案或資料夾


TreeSize Free - 快速找出最佔空間的資料夾,用這支程式開啟某個磁碟根目錄或者資料夾,它便會快速計算出資料夾大小,並且預設是以資料夾由大到小來排序,若要再進入下一層,則繼續點某個資料夾,一樣可以計算佔用空間,相當方便!(阿榮)(下載

Every hard disk is too small if you just wait long enough. TreeSize Free Portable tells you where precious space has gone to. TreeSize Free can be started from the context menu of a folder or drive and shows you the size of this folder, including its subfolders. You can expand this folder in Explorer-like style and you will see the size of every subfolder. Scanning is done in a thread, so you can already see results while TreeSize Free is working. The space, which is wasted by the file system, can be displayed and the results can be printed in a report. TreeSize Free is freeware for Windows 9x/2000/XP/Vista.


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免安裝版 [] [] [2.7]

Source: azofreeware.com

