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“Social Commerce: The Customer Journey in Digital Era” Conference

SocialCommerce register agenda

Event Name: “Social Commerce: The Customer Journey in Digital Era” Conference

Date: 13 June 2019 (Thursday)

Time: 1430 – 1730 (Registration starts at 1400)

Venue: Chamber 1A & 1B, InnoCentre, 72 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong

eDM: https://www.hkaim.org/socialcommerce  (Attached eDM file in html and jpg format)

Registration: https://hkaimsocialcommerce.eventbrite.hk

Rundown: https://www.hkaim.org/eDM/201905/SocialCommerce/Rundown.pdf

Landing Page: : https://www.hkaim.org/socialcommerce

TechNow 當代科技


Disney Plus