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LG 官方確認 Optimus 2X、Optimus Black、Optimus 3D 及 Optimus LTE 將可升級 Android 4.0 ICS!

LG Mobile 今天 Facebook 公佈了一則有關於 Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich 升級的消息,當中四部 LG 最新的 Android 裝置,包括 LG Optimus 2X、LG Optimus Black、LG Optimus 3D 及 LG Optimus LTE 將可以升級到 Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich 系統。 以下是 LG Mobile 在 Facebook 發放有關於 Android 4.0 ICS 升級的全文:  
LG confirms today that the Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) OS will be initially available for the following high-end LG smartphones which were introduced this year: the Optimus 2X, the Optimus Black, the Optimus 3D and the Optimus LTE. We are also continuing to evaluate the ICS OS to determine whether it is compatible with the functionality, features and performance of other LG smartphones to make the ICS OS available on as many LG smartphones as possible. In December this year, the forthcoming upgrade schedule and additional specific models for the ICS OS upgrade will be posted on our LG Mobile Global Facebook page (www.facebook.com/LGMobile) and on our local LG websites. Please stay tuned for more updates from LG.
不過,LG 未前尚未公佈有關於 Android 4.0 ICS 推出的時間表,不知道能不能在 2012 年上旬推出呢? [資料來源:LG Mobile via androidcentral] 轉載網站


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