Few months ago, I have introduced a website called
SoWhat. Today I come back to the site and it has more content with better filtering feature.
From their website, this is what they do:
你的社區有值得嘉許的人、事和設施嗎? 另外,你的社區有甚麼需要改善的地方嗎?社區問題可包括社區內的環境(如垃圾處理、噪音、空氣污染等)、衛生、交通(斑馬線、行人天橋、隧道)、治安(警察巡邏、街燈照明、防止罪案的設施)、社區建設(公園、泳池、商場、運動場等),以及城市規劃等。
This is actually a good site if more people make use of it. If you like this idea, have a look at
http://sowhat.asia and contribute your content.