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SoftPerfect Network Scanner 5.0.1 免安裝版


網路掃描工具–SoftPerfect Network Scanner,利用【View】→【Qick Filter Hosts】→【By Shared Folders】功能,可以挖出公司內哪些電腦分享了哪些資料夾(包含隱藏資料夾),基本功能還有:同時列出Mac Address的網段掃描功能、訊息傳送、取得/新增遠端電腦登錄檔、TCP埠及SNMP服務監聽、建立批次檔、遠端關閉電腦...等等。(阿榮

SoftPerfect Network Scanner is a free multi-threaded IP, NetBIOS and SNMP scanner with a modern interface and several advanced features. It is intended for both system administrators and general users interested in computer security. The program pings computers, scans for listening TCP ports and displays which types of resources are shared on the network (including system and hidden).

* Pings computers.
* Does not require administrative privileges.
* Detects hardware (MAC) addresses even across routers.
* Detects hidden shared folders (normally invisible on the network) and write accessible shares.
* Detects your internal and external IP addresses.
* Scans for listening TCP ports and SNMP services.
* Retrieves currently logged-on users.
* You can mount and explore network resources.
* Can launch external third party applications.
* Exports results to HTML, XML, CSV and TXT
* Supports Wake-On-LAN, remote shutdown and sending network messages.
* Retrieves potentially any information via WMI.
* Retrieves information from remote registry.
* It is absolutely free, requires no installation, and does not contain any adware/spyware/malware.

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