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WordPress 3.0.3版更新发布


WordPress 官方在美国时间2010年12月08日发布了WordPress 3.0.3版,不得不说,WordPress 官方真的很给力,对WordPress 博客程序的更新就是快,就算发现的BUG只有一个,也立即更新发布,可以说是把用户放在了第一位。不像国内的某些程序,等BUG一大堆再修复更新,每次的更新就像是十月怀胎。

WordPress 3.0.3更新官方原文:

WordPress 3.0.3 is available and is a security update for all previous WordPress versions.

This release fixes issues in the remote publishing interface, which under certain circumstances allowed Author- and Contributor-level users to improperly edit, publish, or delete posts.

These issues only affect sites that have remote publishing enabled.

Remote publishing is disabled by default, but you may have enabled it to use a remote publishing client such as one of the WordPress mobile apps. You can check these settings on the “Settings → Writing” screen.

Download 3.0.3 or update automatically from the “Dashboard → Updates” screen in your site’s admin area.


此次更新是针对WordPress 的所有版本,该次更新主要是修复了一个远程发布的错误,这个错误使作者和投稿者在某些情况下错误地编辑,发布,或删除文章。


WordPress的远程发布默认下是关闭的,但你可能启动了它,通过远程客户端如手机app进行发布,你可以到“Settings → Writing”界面进行检查。



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