JDownloader 0.9.579 (2010.06.16) 免安裝中文版
JDownloader–便當狗下載工具,經阿榮測試,可以下載Badongo及Mediafire的檔案,以便當狗為例,如果不是特級會員(Premium Member),下載過程中會遇到很多廣告,若你使用這個工具就不會看到廣告,並且會自動略過驗證碼,另外還支援許多免費檔案空間的下載,如:Rapidshare.com、Megaupload.com...等等。(阿榮)
系統需求:Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
[2009.08.22] 0.7版有亂碼,暫不更新!
[2009.09.04] 0.8.324 版更厲害了,便當狗下載完全不用密碼,但是,部份中文變成顯示為英文,所以,軟體螢幕擷圖暫不更新。
[2009.09.30] 0.8763 版有亂碼,暫不更新!
JDownloader is open source, platform independent and written completely in Java. It simplifies downloading files from One-Click-Hosters like Rapidshare.com or Megaupload.com - not only for users with a premium account but also for users who don't pay. It offers downloading in multiple paralell streams, captcha recognition, automatical file extraction and much more. Of course, JDownloader is absolutely free of charge. Additionally, many "link encryption" sites are supported - so you just paste the "encrypted" links and JD does the rest. JDownloader can import CCF, RSDF and the new DLC files.
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下載連結→ [訊6] [SkyDrive] [Xuite] [sendspace]

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