自八月廿三日, 兩份傳統左派報章接二連三以大篇幅指控我。 候選人被公眾監察非常合理, 可惜那些指控卻是(一)扭曲事實, (二)似是而非, 或(三)莫須有。 關於香港資訊科技聯會等團體主辦選舉論壇一事, 我已於8月30日澄清(註一)。 關於香港互聯網註用管理有限公司一事, 我早在2008年8月已澄清 (註二)。 至於我在雲計算經驗, 我已於8月24日指出指控是絕無其事 (註三)。
很遺憾, 該兩份報章這些已達抺黑程度的不實指控, 沒有因為我的澄清而消減, 反而變本加厲, 顯然是要影響我的公眾形象。 攻擊我, 令選民誤解我行事作風, 客觀效果當然是有利現任議員當選。
我只不過是一個支持民主、捍衛香港核心價值, 而想服務香港的IT人, 為何左派報章及其背後的力量, 要有組織地連續攻擊我?現任議員是政協, 與內地關係密切。 只要想一想, 不難了解。
IT界的選舉, 本來已受很多負面因素影響其公正性, 其中種票活動, 傳媒已有深入報導。 兩份報章以不實的指控攻擊我, 影響IT界選舉的公平性, 不是IT界之福。
簽名 ﹣ 莫乃光
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Urgent Plea for Vote: Don’t be influenced by false allegations. Please support Charles Mok.
Since August 23, the two traditional pro-Chinese Communist Party (CCP) newspapers have attacked me and accused me on different issues at great length almost every day. It is, of course, very reasonable for a candidate to be monitored by the general public. However, these accusations are (a) distorting the facts, (b) specious, or (c) unwarranted. As for the matter of the election forum organized by the Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council and other groups, I have already clarified on Facebook (Note 1). As for the matter concerning the Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited, I clarified the matter as early as in August 2008 (Note 2). As for my experience in the cloud computing sector, I have already pointed out that the allegations are absolutely false (Note 3).
Unfortunately, these false accusations from these two newspapers, which have already reached to the extent of mere smearing, have not been reduced after my clarifications. The attacks are indeed intensified. The purpose of making such false accusations is simple - it aims to affect my public image, to attack me, and so to mislead the voters about myself. The ultimate objective is of course to make way for the incumbent legislator to be elected.
Why do they Attack me in Frenzy?
I am simply an IT professional that supports democracy, defends the core values of Hong Kong, and wants to serve the IT industry. Why the pro-CCP newspapers and their forces behind conducted such a well-organized frenetic attack on me? The incumbent legislator is a delegate of the CPPCC, and having a close relationship with the Mainland. Just think about it, it is not difficult to understand.
The election of the IT sector has already been subjected to many negative factors that undermine the fairness of the election. One is the vote-rigging activities, which the media have made an in-depth coverage. The attack from the two newspapers on the basis of false accusations has affected the fairness of the elections in the IT sector, which is not what the IT sector should be.
If you have received the email attacks with allegations against me, I hope you also take a look at my clarification. I hope you would support me and vote for me on Sunday. Thank you.
Signature - Charles Mok
Charles Mok
Note 1: (in Chinese only)
Note 2: (in Chinese only)
Note 3: (in Chinese only)
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