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香港原罪 2 (Sin of Hong Kong II)

(in classical Chinese and English) 在網上看到 Him Lo (盧樂謙) 今年2月8日在港島北的香港原罪 2 (Sin of Hong Kong II) 行為藝術表演,看看: I found Him Lo's performance art on 8 Feb in northern HK island, called "Sin of Hong Kong II", have a look : http://www.flickr.com/photos/39820832@N04/sets/72157630479998486/with/7527939830/ 在市區中心有很強的感染力,表達了香港人的感覺,好的藝術必須要有對人世有關懷,當社會不公的時候還在"為賦新詞強說愁"的話,那就實在太殘忍了,李傑的粉飾太平之作,正在為朝延效力,"不經意地"成了御用文人,可恨啊!!自古以來都是這類人!我建議西九當局以 Him Lo 取代李傑為威尼斯雙年展的香港代表。 我曾和 arthk 的 director Magnus Renfrew 喝酒,談了個多小時,他明明是個生意人,接著不久李傑在 arthk 拿了個 "Art Futures prize",帶有強烈的金錢暗示。目下未來西九的 director Lars NITTVE 做李傑的策展人,又"選"他為威尼斯雙年展的香港代表。 Ha! Lars NITTVE 的決定真聰明,而且還是用公帑的。 Him Lo did an impressive performance, it tells the truth of Hong Kong. Art is about humanity, art is about life, art is about our concern to this world. When most of the HK people strive for living and live in a tiny little space, suffering from difficulty, Lee Kit's work is too cruel, you should not buy. I suggest Him Lo to replace Lee Kit as Hong Kong representative in Venice Biennale. (there is no open selection in HK, decision is simply made by the authority) I have a causal drink and intensively talk with the director Magnus Renfrew of arthk for hour, he is a business guy and gave Lee Kit the "Art Futures prize" in arthk afterward. Now Lars NITTVE, the future M+ director acts as the "curator" of Lee Kit in Venice Biennale. I must say, Ha! Mr. Lars NITTVE, what a smart move!! And you are using the government money.
TechNow 當代科技
