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Artreview and collection for sale

The Hong Kong Artreview is for sale. The brand, online presences and my personal collection : Web : http://artreview.com.hk Web : http://artreview.hk Facebook : http://facebook.com/artreview Facebook : http://facebook.com/artreviewhk (around 6500 likes) Twitter : http://twitter.com/artreview Tagged : http://tagged.com/artreview And it is a bundle sales with the following collection, including the works by Kowloon King (artist in 50th Venice Biennial, 2003), Victor LAI Ming Hoi, Frog King (artist in 54th Venice Biennale, 2011). [flickr-gallery mode="photoset" photoset="72157631512452495"] For artist info and descriptions of the artworks, you could add me as facebook friend, feel free to make an offer to [email protected]. My passion on art and critics fade, so would like to pass it to other, thanks.
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